Jockey Hollow Spring Encampment

April 20-21, 2024, Morristown National Historic Park, Morristown, NJ The Morristown NHP and the 2nd NJ would like to extend an invitation join us in commemorating the Continental Army's time at Jockey Hollow. The site will provide straw, water and firewood and both modern and portapotties. Friday arrivals are welcome. We encourage those that have specialty crafts or skills to set up demonstrations (sewing, carpentry, or other related civilian or military activities.)
As we move closer to the 250th, we would like to continue presenting an interpretation that is as historically correct as possible. General Orders from Headquarters, White Marsh, Novr 9th, 1777 ".... who make a very unsoldierlike appearance - the Adjutants and Brigade Majors will be respectively answerable, that henceforward they bring no man to the parade, whose appearance is not as decent as his circumstances will permit - having his beard shaved - hair combed - face washed - and cloaths put on in the best manner in his power."
So reflect 1779-1780 as per your respective units.
Event Information
Event Date and Time | Saturday, April 20, 2024 8:00 am |
Event End Date and Time | Sunday, April 21, 2024 5:00 pm |
Registration Link | |
Attachment |
2024 Jockey Hollow Flyer.jpg
2024 Jockey Hollow Registration.jpg |